[Biology] Two works in Swedish: (1) Bilder ur Nordens Flora av C.A.M. Lindmann
Andra och tredje upplagorna. Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand, 1922-1926, 3 volumes, (6),178; (4),179-360; (4),361-635 p., with 663 coloured plates, contemporary uniform gilt half morocco with the original front covers bound along, top edges gilt, 4to (volume 1 bookblock broken and a few plates loose, spines faded).
(2) Våra fåglar i Norden. Andra upplagan, under redaktion av Kai Curry-Lindahl. Stockholm, Natur och Kultur, 1959-1963, 3 volumes, with numerous images, original uniform gilt cloth with dust jacket, large 4to and 1 other bird book added (total 3 works in 8 volumes).