
LOT 1906

[Clandestine newspapers] Internationale Informatie-Bladen van "Vrij Nederland"

Januari-Nummer (= 1), Februari-Nummer (= 2) and issues 3-7 and 9-11, January 1944 to April 1945, 10 issues in 9 (April/May 1944 is one, double edition), mostly 8 p., various sizes.

With: a lovely collection of ca. 50 similar small publications, incl. Het Parool (4x incl. 3 extra bulletins); Algemeen Handelsblad (3 issues, 2, 3 and 4 May 1945); Trouw (4 various publications incl. a poster); Open Religieuze Gemeenschap, by A.R. De Jong (Haarlem, 3 issues); De Vrije Kunstenaar (2 issues); Moppenblaadje (2 copies of this lovely caricature magazine, not in PiCarta); De Waarheid (4 various issues) and publications by De Vonk (2x), de Vlam, de Gooische Koerier, Mededeelingenblad voor 's Hertogenbosch, etc. etc.

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