[Manuscripts] Collection of ca. 65 original manuscripts,
consisting of original handwritten and typed letters, completed forms, personal paper prison documents etc., each item separately inserted in protective plastic file.
An unlikely, highly diverse collection with many highly personal documents, bringing World War II closer in a touching, harsh and informative way.
A small sample of what is on offer here: (1) "Verklaring - Bescheinigung". Hand-completed printed identity card issues on 30 July 1942 by the Joodsche Raad, of Frieda Grünberg, born 18-1-1899 in Cologne, canteen employee in Amsterdam, with her signature and stapled passport photo and the signatures of the chairmen of the Raad Asscher and Cohen, 12 x 16 cm. (unfolded); (2) Hand-completed, printed Identiteitskaart issues on 2 November 1943 by Sicherheitspolizei - SD - Einsatzkommando to Antoon Joseph Kocken, which ensured him of protection and assistance by all police services, with his stapled passport photo, stamps of the Feldposteinheit Dienststelle 24393P and the signature of the SS-Untersturmführer; (3) Hand-completed printed request form issues on 10 February 1942 by the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung Amsterdam, for Israel Weintraub, numbered 3003, with the stamp of the Zentralstelle on the reverse, 7.5 x 13 cm.; (4) "Starker feindlicher Fliegereinsatz erfordert den Einsatz aller Flakabwehrwaffen zur Luftzielbekämpfung (...)." Typed note by the "23 SS-Freiw. Pz. Gren. Div. "Nederland"", dated 17-4-45, signed in pencil by the 1. Generalstabsoffizier (illegible) and with red-stamped "Geheim!" in the top margin, 14.5 x 21 cm. (a month later, the division surrendered to the American troops); (5-10) Five documents regarding Gerrit Teerink, incl. a printed, hand-completed prison card with the date of imprisonment 18-3-42, the length of his sentence 14-2-42 to 2-5-43 and the reason for punishment, i.e. the fabrication and distribution of anti-German writings, 13 x 18.5 cm.; a rejection of his request for mercy of 17 May 1942, dated The Hague, 17 June 1942, 14.5 x 21 cm. and his Arbeitsausweis issued by the Organisation Todt, Eins. Gruppe Hansa (Arnheim-Doesburg) on 28 September 1944, forcebly employed at the "Stellungsbau für die Org. Todt."; (11-12) Proof of release of the Amsterdam correspondent Emmy Lohmann, who was imprisoned at the "Frauenstrafgefangnis Leipzig-Kleinmansdorf" for the possession of illegal writings, dated 20 April 1945, and her cardboard prison card with name, offense and sentence length (more than 2 years); (13-15) Three documents regarding B. Knopper (22-1-1898 - 27-1-1942), prisoner at the Durchgangslager Amersfoort, and his family: a note from the prison to M.A. Knopper on the prison rules to be obeyed by B. Knopper and his visitors/ family, with the envelope preserved; a handwritten letter by Ms. J. Knopper to her brothers and sisters: "Ik zal jullie eens schrijven hoe het met mij gaat, maar denk er wel om, dat je dan niet over spreekt hoe je het hebt ontvangen (...)"; a letter from the Oorlogsgravenstichting dated 16 May 1953, with indication of the grave of B. Knopper at Ohlsdorf cemetary, Hamburg; (16-21) A series of similar prison documents of the Gorter family, incl. letters from "Tante Ti" addressed to Titia Gorter (= Tante Ti?), sent from Frauen-Konzentrationslager Ravensbrück and Schevening prison (total ca. 65).