
LOT 401
SOLD €70,00

[Law] Two works: (1) Joannis Voet (...) Commentarius ad pandectas.

In quo praeter Romani juris principia ac controversias illustriores, jus etiam hodiernum & praecipuae fori questiones exciuntur. The Hague, A. de Hondt, 1707, 2 vols., (2),974,(62); 1180,(68) p., contemporary uniform blindstamped vellum, folio.

Vellum sl. stained and discoloured on spine, sl. torn in on joints of vol. 1 and more heavily on joints of vol. 2; (2) Simonis van Leeuwen (...) Censura forensis theoretico-practica, id est, totius juris civilis romani, usuque recepti, & practici metodica collatio (...). Editio tertia altera parte auctior. Amsterdam, apud Henricum & Viduam Theodori Boom, 1685, 2 parts in one vol., (36),558,(34); (12),218,(21) p., with 2 engraved illustrations, contemporary blindstamped vellum, folio. Trifle waterstained; reset in binding with renewed endpapers and repaired spine foot. (total 2 in 3 vols.)

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