
LOT 1421

[Costumes Netherlands and Indonesia] 11 very finely handcoloured copper engravings

of various Dutch costumes: Femme de Holande, Homme de Scheveningen, Femme de Scheveningen, Matelot de Frise, Femme de Frise, Matelot Hollandois; followed by Indonesian costumes from the Maluku Islands, Ambon and Java: Moluquois, Moluquase, Insulaire d'Amboine, Homme de Java and Femme de Java.

Image 18 x 12 cm. Originally issued in loose issues (?). Rebound in half faux-leather with blue marbled boards. Prints preceded by a short historical text by Sylvain Maréchal. The design of the prints by Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur and Desrais; executed by Felix Mixelle. Paris, c. 1790-1800. Incomplete but very good series of costumes.

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