Convolute of three works: (1) Nugae venales, sive thesaurus ridendi & jocandi
ad gravissimos severissimosque viros, patres melancholicorum conscriptos. Amst., Prostant apud Neminem, sed tamen Ubique, 1648. (6), 252, (14) p. W. beautiful engr. frontisp. portrait, woodcut title ill., 19th cent. calf, gilt triple and double fillet lines around sides and edges of covers, inside dentelles, ribbed and gilt spine w. mor. letterpieces a.e.g., 12mo. Rebacked w. the orig. backstrip laid down.
Bound w.: (2) P. Porcium (= J. Placentius). Pugna porcorum per P. Porcium, poëtam, Paraclesis pro Potore., n.publ., 1648. 71 p. W. the same title woodcut as (1). And bound w.: (3) Peerdeklontius (= C. Stymmel). Studentes, sive comoedia de vita studiosorum. Autore Ignoto Peerdeklontio. Alentopholus (= Amst.), In aedibus Iberiorici nobilimè, 1647. 96 p. Nice convolute. These comic and bawdy tales and poetry are often bound together. The 2nd work is written in a grotesque neo-latin, incorporating words from vernacular languages, often in bizarre combinations.