[Anatomy] Ambroise Pare (1510-1590). De chirurgie ende alle de opera
ofte Wercken van Mr. Ambrosius Paré, Raedt ende opperste Chirurgijn van vier Coninghen in Vranckerijck [...]. Trans. D. Carolum Battum. Amsterdam, Gerrit Willemsz, 1649. (16), 940, (12) p. 28 books in 1 vol. Cont. vellum binding over boards w. blindst. centerpiece. Manuscript title on spine, w. some library identifications. Title printed in red and black with printer's device. Printed in Gothic type. Num. anatomical woodcuts throughout of surgical operations, every major internal organ, of the uterus and childbirth, teratology, artificial limbs, plastic surgery, distillation apparatus and a rich amount of natural history ills. (book 25) incl. whales, sea lions, birds of paradise, bats, etc. One clasp broken, sl. foxed and stained, otherwise in fine condition.
Dutch translation of Pare's famous work. Paré was a French barber surgeon who served in that role for kings Henry II, Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III. He is considered one of the fathers of surgery and modern forensic pathology and a pioneer in surgical techniques and battlefield medicine, especially in the treatment of wounds. He was also an anatomist, invented several surgical instruments, and was a member of the Parisian barber surgeon guild.
*Bound w. Johannis Fernelii (1497-1558). Beschryvinghe der deelen des menschelijcken lichaems. Trans. D. Sebastiaen Egbertsz. 1 vol. 42 (2) p. Lacking title page, perhaps publ. in 1596. Fernelii was a French physician who introduced the term 'physiology'. to describe the study of the body's function.