
LOT 2612

[Communism] Spartacus. Weekblad van de Communistenbond "Spartacus"

Redacteur: Tjeerd Woudstra. Year 5, no. 21 (under the title "Orgaan van de Communistenbond Spartacus), 24-51 and Januari 1946, No. 1 (under the title "Maandblad van de Communistenbond Spartacus"). Amst., Uitgeverij "De Vlam", 25 May 1945 to 22 December 1945 and January 1946, 30 numbers, loose, various sizes (for the greater part unif. folio).

Formerly bound (holes in left margins); a bit browned in margins (a few numbers worse because of the changing sizes). Good, early run of this interesting, rare periodical.

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