
LOT 1653
SOLD €120,00

Johann Sadeler I (1550-1600) after Maerten de Vos (1532-1603). "Moon, sun and planets"

Complete series of 7 engr., all 23.5 x 24.5 cm, originally publ. by Johann Sadeler I, ca. 1585.

Rather grey impressions on probably 18th cent. paper, trimmed on the plate-marks, all w. pinholes of former binding thread in left margin. A complete set, all prints showing a God on a chariot on clouds, above complex landscapes w. profiles of cities associated w. the 12 signs of the zodiac (indicated as "regiones" and "civitates" below). The 12 signs of the zodiac are shown in upper corners/ middle. Incl: Sol; Luna; Mercurius; Venus; Mars; Jupiter; and Saturnus. (total 7)

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