[China] Athanasius Kircher. Toonneel van China
door veel, zo geestlijke als werreltlijke geheugteekenen, verscheide vertoningen van de natuur en kunst, en blijken van veel andere gedenkwaerdige dingen, geopent en verheerlykt. (...) Van J.H. Glazemaker vertaalt. Amst., J. Janssonius van Waesberge and widow E. Weyerstraet, 1668. (12),286,(4) p. W. the following engr.: 2 fold. maps, 22 (fold.) plates and 53 half-p. ills., some smaller woodcut ills. Contemp. boards. Folio.
Poor copy: lacks textleaf P3 (p. 117-18, no ill.), the final 3 index lvs., the binder's index and the vellum or leather over spine and boards. Nevertheless w. all the plates present, according to a binder's index found in a digitized copy. Frontisp. torn, 2nd map w. repaired tears, occas. other defects. Sold w.a.f. Lust 39; Cordier Bibl. Sinica 26; Tiele 137. The 1st and only Dutch ed. of this very influential work on China by the German Jesuit scholar Kircher (1602-80).