[Type specimens] 21 German type specimens booklets
(1) Six booklets by H. Berthold, Berlin. Incl. a.o. Rundfunk, Bodoni (1942, 2 copies) and Berthold (1927). (2) Five booklets by the Brüder Butter, Dresden. Incl. a.o. Grotesk, Super and Cito (1930). (3) Schelter, J.G. and Giesecke. Schriften nebst Zierat fuer Anschlaege, grosse Druckarbeietn. Leipzig, Schelter and Giesecke, (ca. 1900). 126 p. Orig. dec. cl. Folio. -and 2 others by Schelter and Giesecke. -and 7 others, incl. 2 Bauersche Giesserei booklets and 2 by Stempel. Added: 5 other type specimen booklets, incl. Europe et le studio by Deberney Peignot (1931) and Mammouth by Fonderie Warnery (ca. 1931).
Normal signs of wear. (total 26)