Andy Warhol, Electric Chairs series 1971
Two cards and 3 original b/w photographs. (1) Exhibition announcement card 'Andy Warhol Electric Chairs', Seriaal Gallery Amsterdam and Des Bouvrie Bussum, 1972, 20 x 14 cm.
(2) Three b/w analogue photo prints, all with copyright stamp of Ad Petersen Amsterdam. Handwritten text on rear of one picture mentions 'Andy Warhol Electric Chairs 1971, from the portfolio with 10 silkscreens, Seriaal'. The photo was used for the Seriaal invitation card. (3) Announcement card for the same silkscreen series by Galleria Multipli in Torini, 1971. Electric Chairs by Andy Warhol embodies a portfolio of ten different electric chairs, published in 1971 in an edition of 250. (total 5)