
LOT 1623
SOLD €170,00

[Book binding by Gustav Moessner] Paul Adam. Lebenserinnerungen

eines alten Kunstbuchbinders. Stuttgart, Max Hettler, 1951, 169,(2) p., with portrait of the author, bound in full blind-stamped and gilded leather, gilt-lettered title on front cover and (short) on spine, cuts gilded and "chased", with original cover in binding, 4to.

In the back of the book, the following note is typed on a pasted sheet: "Gustav Moessner Weilheim/Teck Kirchheimstr. 70.Fester Rücken, Oasenziege. Kein ziselierter Schnittm lediglich mit dem Vergoldewerkzeug abgedruckt und mit Wasser matt ge macht. 1952. [in pen:] Buch durch Brand in Ludwigsburg verdorben. Stempel Entwurf Moessner." A book about a famous bookbinder, bound by a famous bookbinder. Moessner is also author of various standards in this area. With 1 other fine bookbinding, large 4to in cardboard cover box, considering the contents (empty cashbook) probably the masterpiece of an aspiring bookbinder.

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