
Auction 1: Lots 1 - 780

Location: Tijgerzaal Artis, Plantage Middenlaan 41a-43, Amsterdam By clicking on a category you can find the items and their results. You can also view our complete catalogue in pdf by clicking on 'print version' here below.

LOTS 1 - 31
n.v.t.: 1-49 Trade catalogues
LOTS 50 - 70
n.v.t.: 50-99 Childrens books
LOTS 101 - 270
n.v.t.: 100-299 Baedekers and travel guides
LOTS 300 - 307
n.v.t.: 300-319 Old books
LOTS 320 - 330
n.v.t.: 320-349 Literature
LOTS 350 - 385
n.v.t.: 350-399 Posters
LOTS 400 - 447
n.v.t.: 400-449 Photography and Arts
LOTS 450 - 587
n.v.t.: 450-592 Comic books and original comic art work
LOTS 593 - 619
n.v.t.: 593-619 Various book- and nonbook related items
LOTS 620 - 658
n.v.t.: 620-669 Picturecard album and commerial editions
LOTS 670 - 780
n.v.t.: 670-780 Other books


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