
570-699 Various II: Lots 570 - 699

Auction 11
SOLD €260,00
LOT 570
€100,00 - €200,00
The sword exercise, arranged for military instruction

Printed by authority of the war department, Henry C. Wayne, Washington, Gideon and Co., 1850. Kl. 8vo., 4,62,43 pp., modern half-leather, spine with title in red and gilt-stamping....

Auction 11
LOT 571
€100,00 - €200,00
[Mutiny] The Jefferson Borden Mutiny.

Circuit Court of the United States, District of Massachusetts. Trial of George Miller, John Glew and William Smith for murder on the high seas. Before Clifford and Lowell, JJ.,...

Auction 11
LOT 572
€100,00 - €200,00
[Mutiny] Case of the Somers' muteny

Defence of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, Commander of the U.S. Brig Somers, before the Court Martial, held at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn. New York, Tribune office, 1843, 8vo., 30,II...

Auction 11
SOLD €120,00
LOT 573
€120,00 - €240,00
[Orchids] Orchids: Their culture and management

Watson, w. and Bean, W. , London, L. Upcott Gill, 1890. 8vo., with countless coloured and b&w prints, Binding with giltstamped illustration and title. Added: Orchids: Their description...

Auction 11
LOT 574
€150,00 - €300,00
[Shells] Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleontologie Conchyliologique

Ou histoire naturelle des mollusques vivants et fossiles, Paul Fischer, Paris, F. Savy, [1880-]1887. Large 8vo., half-morocco, 11 parts in two volumes, ill. frontispiece, folding...

Auction 11
SOLD €50,00
LOT 578
€50,00 - €80,00
(erotica) Monnier, Henri - L'Enfer de Joseph Prud'homme savoir deux gougnottes et la grisette et l'etudiant.

Paris, Sans la permission au Roy Louis Philippe. Circa 1930. 116 p. 12,50x8 cm. With 8 loose hand-coloured prints. Cartonnized binding, with modern marbled paper cover.

Auction 11
LOT 579
€60,00 - €100,00
Colette- L'envers du music-hall

32 loose etchings by J.E. Laboureur. 1920s. Collected in a paper folder, spine damaged.

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 581
€100,00 - €200,00
[Book Binding] Contes en vers

imités du Moyen de Parvenir. Paris, Léon Willem, ed. 1874. 229 pp. small 4to. Limited ed. With 29 woodcuts, binding by Hatchards, Piccadilly. Limited edition for private circulation...

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 582
€100,00 - €150,00
Correctional facilities in Haarlem

13 letters from Labour Directors to the Hoorn correctional facility, 1831. + het grootboek Administratie-thesaurier 1835-1838 van de Gevangenischen te Hoorn. Bijgehouden door den Heer Mr. J. Pan.

Auction 11
LOT 583
€45,00 - €90,00

Two typewriters - Olivetti, Praxis 48. Ettore Sottsass, ca. 1965 + IBM, ca. 1960.

Auction 11
SOLD €80,00
LOT 584
€80,00 - €150,00

Scrapbook with frontispiece C.W. Mieling, 's Gravenhage, Haarlem, A.C. Kruseman. Album with 25 single-sided, splendidly composed pages. 4to, in half-leather.

Auction 11
SOLD €130,00
LOT 585
€60,00 - €90,00
Codex Seraphinianus

Luigi Sefarini (Rome 1949), Franco Maria Ricci, Landshoff, 1981. Bound with dustjacket. Good copy.

Auction 11
SOLD €460,00
LOT 586
€150,00 - €300,00
[Book Binding] Georg Rueter 1875-1966

Het levenswerk van F.C. Donders door E.C. van Leersum. Erven F. Bohn, Haarlem, 1932. 408 pp. 4to. In richly decorated gilded vellum binding, signed on the back with the initials...

Auction 11
SOLD €80,00
LOT 587
€80,00 - €150,00

Het ABC van het Naziregiem. Geteekend door Herman A.Vos. 28 pp. geniet + Neues Deutschland. Ein Bildbuh fuur die Auslandsdeutsche Jugend von Friedrich Stieve, gestaltet von A.R....

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 588
€80,00 - €150,00
[Book Binding] Tramwegen van Antwerpen en Omgeving

"Hulde-adres aan de Heer Francois Verrept tgv het afscheid aan deze maatschappij als directeur." With 1070 signatures of the Antwerp tram staff, 1951 on copied sheets. Calf album...

Auction 11
SOLD €130,00
LOT 589
€100,00 - €200,00
Album Pieter Adriaan Jacobus Moojen - Koloniale Tentoonstelling Parijs 1931

Album dat de namen bevat van hen die een blyk van hoogachting wenschten te geven aan Pieter Adriaan Jacobus Moojen voor de byzondere arbeid door hem verricht als hoofdleider van...

Auction 11
SOLD €240,00
LOT 590
€80,00 - €150,00
[Militaria] Album C. van Aller. Leeraar aan de Koninklijke Militaire Academie te Breda 1901

Album bevatttende de Namen der Officieren en Ambtenaren der Koninklijke Militaire Academie, die hebben bijgedragen tot het Geschenk den Heer C. van Aller vereerd, bij gelegenheid...

Auction 11
SOLD €70,00
LOT 591
€60,00 - €90,00
[Russia] Tourist's albums

Envelope with 33 cards, ca. 1935 + Kropotkin-Album photos by P.A. Kropotkin and his burial in Moscpw on 13 February 1921. Published by the Socialistisch Verbond, 1923. (46) pp....

Auction 11
SOLD €240,00
LOT 592
€100,00 - €200,00
[Russia] Theatre

Jushny's theater - Russian Theatre the Blue Bird. December 1921-December 1922. Berlin. 48 pp. embr. With ills. and tipped-in prints by Boguslawskaja, Tschelischtschew, Chudjakow...

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 593
€60,00 - €120,00

Lot of 17 cut-outs ca. 1935-1980. With e.g. Mobilgas tanktruck, ca. 1950 + Lloyd LT 500 6-seat car, ca. 1958. + The Jeep, ca. 1946 - and 14 others.

Auction 11
SOLD €150,00
LOT 594
€125,00 - €250,00
[Erotica] Manuscript

France, ca. 1935. Author/artis unknown. Two folders with 13 and 15 leaves, consisting of text and 19 drawings (mixed technique). Manual for women on how to dress and behave in...

Auction 11
SOLD €180,00
LOT 595
€100,00 - €150,00
[China] Het Hemelsche Rijk

Luimige Voorstellingen. [Author unknown] 's Gravenhage, Gebr. Abrahams. 30 pp. Half-cloth, sm. 4to with chromolith. ills. Light wear on edges (recoloured) + Chinese New Year Festivals....

Auction 11
SOLD €70,00
LOT 596
€70,00 - €110,00
[British India] Het twaalfjarige soldatenleven van den Majoor Hodson in Britsch-Indië

vrij vertaald uit het Engelsch door A.C. Lorentz, Arnhem, D.A. Thieme, 1860. 283 pp. With lithograph next to title page.

Auction 11
LOT 597
€125,00 - €250,00
Atlas der Anatomie des Pferdes

Reinhold Schmaltz, Richard Schoetz verlag, Berlin, 1905-1914. Erster-dritter Teil. Das Skelett, Die Lage der Eingeweide - en Topographische Myologie. Zweite Auflage. Cloth. With...

Auction 11
SOLD €70,00
LOT 598
€70,00 - €120,00
Henry Havard (1838-1921)

La Hollande Vol d'Oiseau. Eaux-fortes et fusains par Maxime Lalanne. Librairie van Bakkenes et Cie, 1883. (8), 400 pp. 4to, giltstamped red cloth. Worn on edges + La Flandres...

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 599
€100,00 - €200,00

The Grandes Heures of Jean Duke of Berry. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Introduction and legends by Marcel Thomas. George Braziller, New York, 1971. Folio, bound with s.o. 183...

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 600
€60,00 - €90,00
[Cooking] Praktisches Kochbuch

Henriette Davidis Praktisches Kochbuch fur die gewohnliche und feinere Küche. (...). 32. verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Bielefeld und Leipzig, Belhagen & Klasing, 1898. 733...

Auction 11
LOT 601
€60,00 - €90,00
Tourist brochures

Ca. 70 brochures of tourist places in Germany, France, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands etc. Most pre-1950. With several lovely designs.

Auction 11
SOLD €140,00
LOT 602
€125,00 - €250,00
[Film] Cinema & Theater Magazine

Lot with 7 collections with hundreds of issues between 1922 and 1933 of this magazine + Volume 1943, nearly complete (no. 29 missing).

Auction 11
SOLD €80,00
LOT 603
€80,00 - €200,00
[History] Historisch Gedenkboek der Herstelling van Neerlands Onafhankelijkheid in 1813

(4 vols. + register vol.), G.J.W. Koolemans Beijnen, Haarlem, De Erven F. Bohn, 1912 and 1913, uniform binding + Het aandeel van den Amsterdamschen Handel aan den opbouw van het...

Auction 11
SOLD €75,00
LOT 604
€60,00 - €100,00
[Groningen] Over de Karspellasten van Grijpskerk,

(..) met eene bijlage over het collatieregt van Grijpskerk (..), Mr. H.O. Feith, Groningen, W. Zuidema, 1840.

Auction 11
SOLD €115,00
LOT 605
€80,00 - €150,00
[Groningen] Groninger Historische reeks

15 volumes, 1994 - 2003 edited by P.Th.F.M. Boekholt, A.H. Huussen jr., P. Kooij, F. Postma, H.J. Wedman. Van Gorkum, Assen. Vol. 10 to 24.

Auction 11
SOLD €140,00
LOT 606
€80,00 - €150,00
[Groningen] Groninger Historische reeks

10 vols., 2003 -2006, edited by P.Th.F.M. Boekholt, IJ. Botke, A.H. Huusen, J. Kossman-Putto, C.P.J. van der Ploeg. Van Gorcum, Assen, vol. 25 to 34.

Auction 11
SOLD €80,00
LOT 607
€80,00 - €120,00
Le Jardin D'Acclimatation illustré

Animaux et plantes par Pierre-Am´dé Pichot, Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1873. With 12 hand-coloured engravings and 28 steel engravings, numerous text ills. viii, 336 p. In new half cloth binding.

Auction 11
LOT 608
€70,00 - €120,00
[Beer] Trade catalogue Hermann Krüger & Co

Preis-Liste 1909/10 Bierdruck-Apparate und Armaturen-Fabrik. Berlin, 1910. 88 p. In orig. paper cover. Exhaustive illustrated catalogue about beer.

Auction 11
SOLD €110,00
LOT 609
€80,00 - €150,00
Rock & Roll - 78 rpm records

Elvis Presley, 5 original 78 rpm records 1956-1958 + Fats Domino, Everly Brothers, Bill Haley, Cliff Richard, Little Richard, and others. Most in original publisher's covers.

Auction 11
SOLD €40,00
LOT 610
€40,00 - €70,00
Jazz - 78 rpm records

Lot with 31 78 rpm records incl. Billy Cotton, The Dutch Swing College Band, Chris Barber and others.

Auction 11
LOT 611
€50,00 - €90,00

10 various erotic and nudist publications: Charme, Paradies and Health & Efficiency - and 2 others + Das Kleine Cabinet, a free grammophone single from Candy magazine, another...

Auction 11
SOLD €80,00
LOT 612
€60,00 - €100,00
[Music] Rhythme

Monthly for Jazz, Dance and Entertainment music. 109 copies between 1949 and 1956 + 6 others.

Auction 11
SOLD €120,00
LOT 613
€70,00 - €120,00
Show programs

Lot with Show programs: Henri ter Hall, 1921 and 1 other + Louis Bouwmeester's Revue, 1933-36, Snip & Snap revue (4 x) and 7 various other performances + 16 issues of "De Gids,...

Auction 11
SOLD €70,00
LOT 614
€70,00 - €120,00

Kleine Kriegshefte nos. 1, 5/6, 7 and 8. Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Berlin, 1940 + 7 issues of the underground "Het Dagelijks Nieuws", Leiden 1945 + 40 issues of Signaal magazine...

Auction 11
LOT 615
€80,00 - €150,00
Leids Ontzet

Feestwijzer Feestviering Leids Ontzet. Series from 1924 to 1938 (1926 missing) and 1945 to 1961 + Feestwijzers Koninginnedag 1945 to 1949 and 2 others + 10 other publications relating...

Auction 11
SOLD €220,00
LOT 616
€70,00 - €120,00
[Music] Tuney Tunes

Collections per volume from 1945 no. 21 to 1954 no. 131 + single issues to 164 - and several others.

Auction 11
SOLD €80,00
LOT 617
€60,00 - €100,00
La revue des Folies Bergère

Album 1924-25. M. de Brunoff, Paris. 40 p. With heart-shaped cover cut-out. Stapled, 4to. + 5th album, 1927. Editions Artistiques de Paris. 40 p. With cover cut-out - and 1931....

Auction 11
LOT 618
€60,00 - €90,00
Scenes from Philadelphia. Society of Raim-Tuppani 1911

Oblong 4to, silk tie. 8 etched Philadelphia views, signed in pencil by James H. Finchen, F.W. Harer, et al. Good copy.

Auction 11
LOT 619
€75,00 - €125,00
[WWII] Newspaper clippings

Album with newspaper clippings, brochures and pamphlets from WWII. An extraordinary collection including a pamphlet on how to behave when dealing with prisoners of war, 1942, the...

Auction 11
SOLD €90,00
LOT 620
€60,00 - €90,00
Visit of King Willem III to Utrecht, September, 1853

Lot with program of festivities, for the occassion of H.M. the King's vist to the city of Utrecht on 14- 17 September 1853. Utrecht, N. de Zwaan. 8 p. + personnel pass for the...

Auction 11
SOLD €200,00
LOT 621
€200,00 - €400,00
Dutch East Indies: Archive prison director 1946-1952

Suitcase with private archive of more than 100 signed documents from 1948-1952 in Tjipinang prison in Mr. Cornelis (Jatinegara, in Jakarta). In original suitcase that belonged...

Auction 11
SOLD €340,00
LOT 622
€150,00 - €300,00
[Provo] Provo no. 1-15

Amst., 1965-1966, 15 issues, illustrations, orig. cover, sm. quarto. = Complete set. With contributions from Roel van Duyn, Robert Jasper Grootveld, Luud Schimmelpenninck, Relus...

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 623
€50,00 - €100,00
[WWII] Lijst van geschriften, welke als aanstootelijk voor de eerbaarheid zijn te beschouwen

Samengesteld door de recherchecentrale (...). Den Haag, Algemeene Landsdrukkerij, 1943, (2),52 p., orig. cover. - Front leaf loose, spine damaged due to use of cheap paper. List...

Auction 11
SOLD €50,00
LOT 624
€50,00 - €100,00
[Indonesia] Zwerftocht door Timor en onderhoorigheden

Door W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp. Amst., Uitg. Maatsch. Elsevier, 1925, 175,(1) p., illustr. and decoration by the author, orig. cloth binding with golden decoration, folio.

Auction 11
SOLD €70,00
LOT 625
€60,00 - €120,00
[H.N. Werkman] Het boek van Trijntje Soldaats/Het boek van Minne Koning

Door E.J. Huizenga-Onnekes. Gron., P. Noordhoff, 1928/ 1930, 1st ed., 2 vols, (4),75,(2)/ (4),115,(4) p., woodcuts J. Dijkstra, printed by H.N. Werkman, orig. unif. cover, quarto.

Auction 11
SOLD €260,00
LOT 626
€100,00 - €200,00
Album des Families Lou et Bovy

Family photo album ca. 1900-1927, with family photos of the Lou - Bovy family. 13 leaves with printed photos in sepia, with titles in French, English, German, with supplementary...

Auction 11
SOLD €200,00
LOT 627
€100,00 - €200,00
[Pop-up] Le Mécanicien Moderne

-Par un Comité d'Ingénieurs spécialistes, Parijs, 4th edition, ca. 1900, 2 vols. With descriptions and numerous images in black/white between the text in French and 10 foldable...

Auction 11
SOLD €200,00
LOT 628
€100,00 - €200,00
[Fauna] Genera Avium, 1905 - 1914

ed. by P. Wytsman with articles by Sclater, Bowdler Sharpe, Ogilvie-Grant, Hartert, Hellmayr, Salvadori, and others.

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 629
€100,00 - €200,00
[Asia] Paper Kimono. Singapore, ca. 1930

kimono with a length of 120 cm., the inside is lined with uncoloured paper and the outside is made of shining, purple-red paper with floral design; on the front and back at ribbon...

Auction 11
SOLD €420,00
LOT 630
€50,00 - €100,00
[Erotica] Garnizoens-minnarijen

Door Henry de Cluny, Luitenant bij de Dragonders van den Hertog de Chartres. Rotterdam, Artistiek-Bureau, 1888, 89 [=93] p., orig. cover.

Auction 11
SOLD €70,00
LOT 631
€70,00 - €140,00
[Maastricht] Gids van Maastricht en beschrijving van de voornaamste kerken en andere gebouwen aldaar

Door A.J. Flament. Maastricht, Vereeniging tot Bevordering van het Vreemdelingenverkeer, ca. 1895, 80 p., 12 photo engravings on thick paper, many advertisements, orig. cloth binding, oblong quarto.

Auction 11
LOT 632
€60,00 - €90,00

4 Original pages with fashion drawings in Indian ink and mixed technique. Made for magazines, ca. 1935. Sizes 31 x 22 cm and 41,5 x 30 cm.

Auction 11
LOT 633
€60,00 - €90,00

4 Original pages with fashion drawings in mixed technique. Made for Dutch magazines, ca. 1935. Size ca. 35 x 25 cm.

Auction 11
LOT 634
€60,00 - €90,00

4 Original pages with fashion drawings in mixed technique. Made for Dutch magazines, ca. 1935. Sizes between 32 x 22 cm and 39 x 31 cm.

Auction 11
SOLD €90,00
LOT 635
€75,00 - €150,00

Lot with photos and advertising flyers relating to Groningen. Incl. savings books, a brochure for Be Quick 1937, picture post cards of the city of Groningen (34x), an entrance...

Auction 11
LOT 636
€70,00 - €120,00
Photo albums Priests Louis and Fransiscus van Woesik

Two albums with ca. 200 portraits and snapshots of the priest family van Woesik. An album with mission photos in Brazil, where Louis died. Other album journey to Lourdes and the Pyrenees.

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 637
€100,00 - €200,00
Manuscript travel account

Haaren, 1901, (1),18 leaves, one-sided written/illustrated with pen and ink and gouache, orig. photos, loose in a richly decorated cardb. binding, quarto.

Auction 11
SOLD €110,00
LOT 638
€50,00 - €100,00
[Wim Kan] Correspondence between Wim Kan and Henriette (Heintje) Davids

Handwritten letter dated "Aalsmeer 22 Mei 1971", to "Lieve mevrouw Davids", signed "Corry en Wim". Handwritten letter to "Lieve Wim", signed "Henriette Davids". Telegram from Wim...

Auction 11
LOT 639
€70,00 - €120,00

Auf Grund dreissigjähriger Forschung und Erfahrung bearbeite von Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, Bd. 1-4 (of 5). Stuttgart, Püttmann, 1928-30. With numerous (partially coloured) images....

Auction 11
SOLD €120,00
LOT 640
€100,00 - €200,00
Secret Register of discharged prisoners

Bezorgd door H.C. Hunting. Vol. 1-3, Arnhem 2008. 1882-1886; 1887-1891; 1892-1896. In uniform grey cloth. Private edition, circulation 30 copies. With photos and report of what...

Auction 11
SOLD €240,00
LOT 641
€100,00 - €200,00
[Vietnam War] Archive of ca. 75 anti-war publications

Alle 1965-1967, various sizes, various techniques (mostly stencil), in particular appeals, posters, admittance passes, brochures, programs etc. - Added ca. 100 contemporary newspaper...

Auction 11
LOT 642
€100,00 - €150,00
[Germany] Stereo glass plates

1925-1930. 40 boxes with each ca. 7 glass plates with two glass negatives. Mostly of travels in Germany. Also portraits, group portraits and a picture of a house in Apeldoorn.

Auction 11
SOLD €150,00
LOT 643
€150,00 - €300,00
[Book binding] Danmarks Bogbindere gennem 400 aar

Illustrated book binding in goat leather, 4to., cover with gilt-stamped figure, spine with gilt-stamped title, marbled endpapers, gilt-edged, 273 p., in cassette, with numerous...

Auction 11
SOLD €190,00
LOT 644
€100,00 - €200,00
[Book binding] Napoleon, Paris, Bureaux de la vie contemporaine, 1894

Illustrated book binding by Méheut Fils, leather binding in green and beige with red and gilt-stamp and centred a gilt-stamped blind stamp with the imperial coat of arms of Napoleon,...

Auction 11
SOLD €130,00
LOT 645
€100,00 - €200,00
[Book binding] Banque Nationale, Rapport de 1880 (and) 1881 (total 2)

Illustrated book bindings in red morocco, front cover with figure and gilt-stamped title; back cover with figure and centred the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Belgium, the endpapers...

Auction 11
SOLD €80,00
LOT 646
€60,00 - €120,00
[Manuscript] Diary of Annie Drukker. 1907

Diary of a young girl from the bourgeoisie in a very consistent handwriting (25 p), the other pages unwritten, separate: 2 photos of which one of an engagement dinner with an early...

Auction 11
SOLD €130,00
LOT 647
€70,00 - €140,00
[Book binding] Immortellen. Leipzig, 1868

Illustrated book binding in red morocco with gilt-stamped title on front cover and signature of bookbinder: R. Gerhold., folio, endpapers of marbled ivory paper, stained.

Auction 11
LOT 648
€70,00 - €120,00
Das Theater

Jahrgang VI, 1925. Illustrierte Halbmonatsschrift fuur theater und gesellschaft. Erich Köhrer. Heft 1-11. + 1926, first half volume. 1-11. Both bound in half cloth with marbles...

Auction 11
SOLD €150,00
LOT 650
€150,00 - €200,00
Scrap albums

Three scrap albums, 19th century. 52 p + 30 p.(partially loose-leaf) + 49 p. (album damaged, covers water damage).

Auction 11
LOT 651
€80,00 - €120,00

De Achttiende-eeuwse Haagse boekband in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek en het Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum. SDU, 1976. 497 p. Cloth without dust jacket + Grolier Bindings, bookbindings...

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 652
€60,00 - €100,00

Reise über die Karte der Sowjetunion. N. Michailow and W. Pokschischewskij. Berlin, SWA-Verlag, 1947. 479 p + Alltag im Sovjetstaat. H. and E. Weichmann Berlin, Brückenverlag,...

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 653
€60,00 - €100,00

Reise-erinnerungen aus Sibirien von Prof. Christoph Hausteen. Leipzig, Expedition der Hausbibliothek, Carl B. Lorck, 1854. viii, 215 p. Half cloth. 8vo + La Sibérie et l'extreme-Nord...

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 654
€70,00 - €120,00

Brochures. Lot with 9 brochures between 1920 and 1944. Lenin und Gandhi. Fülöp-Miller, Amalthea-verlag, 1927. Brochure 4 p. + Weer terug uit de Sowjetunie. Ds. Boers, 39 p. Unkn....

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 655
€60,00 - €100,00

Voici l'U.R.S.S. Une Nouvelle Civilisation par Sidney et Beatrice Webb. Paris, Bureau d'editions, 1937. 48 p. 8vo, stapled political brochure. + Voici l'U.R.S.S. Les Soviets C'est...

Auction 11
SOLD €50,00
LOT 656
€50,00 - €80,00

Lot with 6 brochures relating to Rusland. Wij Beschuldigen... Opbouw-reeks der Hollandsche post no 5., Soest, Zonneveld, ca. 1935. 20 p. Anti-Russia brochure + Eduard Herriot...

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 657
€60,00 - €90,00
Het Bolsjewisme en de Joden

Wladimir Iwanof. 's-Gravenhage. N. Veenstra, 1919. 53 p.

Auction 11
LOT 658
€60,00 - €100,00
De Boekenwereld

Tijdschrift voor boek & Prent. Stichting Matrijs, Utrecht. Volume 1 to 24. 1984-2009. Mostly complete run of this bi-monthly magazine.

Auction 11
SOLD €300,00
LOT 659
€300,00 - €600,00
[Book binding] Ovide. Lettres d'Amoureuses. Les Héroïdes. Paris. 1914

Illustrated book binding by master binder René Kieffer. Signed on inside front cover. Beautiful brown morocco binding with broad veins, richly, blind-stamped, decorated. Gilt-stamped...

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 660
€100,00 - €200,00
[Book binding] Méditations Poétiques, A. de Lamartine, Paris. 1910

Red morocco binding, line-framed with gilt-stamped figures, gilt-stamped title on spine, marbled endpapers, numbered copy: 9 (of 100) with engravings by C. Coppier after originals by H. Guinier.

Auction 11
SOLD €200,00
LOT 661
€100,00 - €200,00
[Book binding] St. Mark's; or The Mayor's Chapel, Bristol, 1892

Illustrated book binding, black morocco with gilt-stamped ornaments and spine with gilt-stamped title, signed inside front cover: L. Broca. Marbled endpapers. Numbered copy: 98...

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 662
€70,00 - €140,00
[Book binding] Commentaires sur les Mémoires de Fouché. 1900

Red morocco book binding, from the Napoleon collection of Walter Hayes Burns. The cover are gilt-stamped and carry the Napoleon emblem, the imperial eagle and a bee. Spine with...

Auction 11
SOLD €90,00
LOT 663
€60,00 - €120,00
[Book binding] Hoe behandelen wij onze paarden? 1902

Green morocco binding with gilt-stamped title on front cover and spine, back cover with gilt-stamped line-embroidery, endpapers marbled ivory paper. 8vo., 51 p. text by W.L. van...

Auction 11
SOLD €80,00
LOT 664
€60,00 - €120,00
[Hunting] Achter de honden van de Koninklijke Veluwsche Jachtvereeniging (1901)

By W.L. Warmelo, 1st Lieutenant of the mobile artillery; dedicated to Mr. S.J. Count of Limburg Stirum with a steam print of the same for the title.

Auction 11
LOT 665
€50,00 - €100,00
[Greenland] Fridtjof Nansen 1861-1896

Von W.C. Broegger und N. Rolfsen (transl.) Eugen von Enzberg, drawings by Chr. Krohg, Otto Sinding, K. Werenskiold, photos Dr. Erich von Drygalski, Berlin, Fussingers Buchhandlung, 1896, 2e auflage.

Auction 11
LOT 666
€250,00 - €500,00
[Manuscript] Protocols, etc. for use in jurisdiction and in the English court ca. 1780-1880

Court and Sessions. Forms of oaths etc. Handwritten protocols, oaths and rules for the benefit of dignitaries at official occassions, jurisdiction, etc. This protocol book is late...

Auction 11
SOLD €170,00
LOT 667
€75,00 - €150,00
Robert Jasper Grootveld (1932-2009)

Various cards to Henk Meier and Jeanine. Hand-made and hand-written cards by Grootveld, pasted over with stencilled papers with tape, with a stamp on top - and some notes, such...

Auction 11
SOLD €200,00
LOT 668
€100,00 - €200,00
Ex-libris collection ca. 300 items

5 books (4to., cloth) from the NBC with loose and pasted Dutch ex-librises from the 20th century. (5 in total)

Auction 11
SOLD €170,00
LOT 669
€80,00 - €150,00
[Erotica] L'Odyssée d'un pantalon

E.D., Amsterdam, A. Brancart. Published under the editor's name Aux dépens de la Compagnie. 1889. First edition of this scabrous booklet. 189 pp. With hand-coloured engraving after...

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 670
€100,00 - €200,00
[Politics] VVD - Letters ministers to S.J. van den Bergh, on the occasion of his resignation in 1959

1959. Letters to Sidney van den Bergh who was forced to step down after an affair with a married woman, after only one month in office in the De Quay I cabinet, as minister of...

Auction 11
SOLD €50,00
LOT 671
€50,00 - €100,00
[Utrecht] Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis, oudheden, merkwaardige bijzonderheden en statistiek

Utrecht, N. van der Monde, 1835-1846. 8 parts from the first and second series (Utrecht voorheen en thans).

Auction 11
LOT 672
€100,00 - €200,00
[War] Opinion de M. Le Général du Genie Nempde

Sur l'Incendie de Moscou, Paris, Delaunay, 1826, brochure with paper wrapping, panorama of the Kremlin and a map of Moscow; wrapping loose, stains in text. Added: 8 other books...

Auction 11
SOLD €200,00
LOT 673
€100,00 - €200,00
[Eye diseases] Verhandeling over de Cataracta,

Waar in derzelver oorzaaken, kentekenen en gevolgen (...) der operatie; Benevens eene voorreden over 't samenstel van 't oog (...) Jan Pieter Rathlauw, Amsterdam, Gerrit de Groot, 1752

Auction 11
LOT 674
€100,00 - €200,00
[Fables] Inleiding in de fabelkunde der oude Grieken en Romeinen

Christiaan Tobias Damm, Leyden, A. and J. Honkoop, 1794

Auction 11
SOLD €110,00
LOT 675
€100,00 - €200,00
[Almanac] Hebrew, 19th-century

4 Jewish almanacs, 10x7 cm., vellum insert binding, part of which published in 5612 (1851-52), made by G.I. Polak, Amsterdam, De Wed. D. Proops Jz, another one from 1814, Amsterdam,...

Auction 11
LOT 676
€80,00 - €160,00
[Facsimile] Blaeu's Atlas van de Nederlanden

Facsimile edition of the original text and 65 maps from the 'Grooten Atlas' by Joan Blaeu with a modern introduction by C. Broekema. Orbit, Amsterdam, 1973

Auction 11
LOT 678
€150,00 - €300,00
The History of Portrait Miniatures

George C. Williamson, Vol I and II, London, George Bell and Sons, 1904

Auction 11
LOT 679
€150,00 - €300,00
[Vondel] Gysbrecht van Aemstel, D'ondergang van syn stad en syn ballingschap, treurspel

Door Joost van den Vondel. Intro. L. Simons. Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1893, 2 parts, stage design H.P. Berlage, book ornamentation A.J. Derkinderen.

Auction 11
LOT 680
€60,00 - €120,00
[Facsimile Book of Hours] Le Bréviere de Philippe Le Bon

Bréviaire de Philippe le Bon. Bréviaire parisien du XVe siecle. Etude du Texte et des Miniatures par l'Abbé V. Leroquais. Bruxelles. Ch. Weckesser, 1929

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 681
€100,00 - €200,00
[Ornithology] Naumann, Naturgeschichte der Voegel Mitteleuropas

Dr Carl R. Hennicke, XII Band, Sturmvoegel, Steissfuesse, Seetaucher, Fluegeltaucher, Gera-Unternhaus, Eugen Koehler (ca. 1900)

Auction 11
LOT 682
€80,00 - €160,00
[Napoleon III] Campagne de Piémont et de Lombardie en 1859

Par Amédée de Cesena, Paris, Garnier-Freres, 1860

Auction 11
SOLD €280,00
LOT 683
€150,00 - €300,00
[Palaeontology] Handbuch der Petrefaktenkunde

Fr. Aug. Quenstedt, Tuebingen, H. Laupp'schen buchhandlung, 1867 and: Atlas zum Handbuch der Petrefaktenkunde, 1867, 2 parts in 2nd ed. with 86 numbered lithographic prints in...

Auction 11
LOT 684
€80,00 - €160,00
Die Orient-Tabake, Band I und II

Marco Nestoroff, Bankhaus Arnhold, Dresden [1928]

Auction 11
LOT 685
€80,00 - €160,00
[Heraldry] Fairbairn's Book of Crests

Of the families of Great Britain and Ireland, in two volumes, T.C. & E.C. Jack, London & Edinburgh, ca. 1900

Auction 11
LOT 686
€200,00 - €400,00
[Classical Literature] Les Harangues de Démosthene

Texte Grec, avec un commentaire critique et explicatif (...) par Henri Weil, Paris, Hachette, 1881, together with: Les Plaidoyers Politiques de Démosthene, premiere série, 1883 en deuxieme série, 1886

Auction 11
LOT 687
€100,00 - €200,00
Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations

Traduction nouvelle (..) par Germain Garnier, Paris, H. Agasse, 1802, 5 parts. 8vo., half-leather, gilt spines with red title labels and engraved portrait of the author by B.L.Prevost....

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 688
€60,00 - €100,00

- J. Chr. Tetenburg - Het raadsel van de sterrenwacht. Original detective novel in file-shape. Utrecht, Uitgevers-mij W. de Haan nv. ca. 1936. 192 p (unpaged). Bound with ribbon....

Auction 11
SOLD €170,00
LOT 689
€100,00 - €200,00
[Hunting] Volledige Jagerschool of Kort Begrip der Geheele Jagt

Een hand- en Leerbok in Alphabetische orde voor Jagers, Vogelaars, Landbouwkundigen en liefhebbers van de Natuurlijke Historie. Naar het Hoogduitsch van Christiaan Friedrich Gottlieb...

Auction 11
SOLD €220,00
LOT 690
€180,00 - €350,00
[Genealogý]. Ommelander geslachten. Het nageslacht van Jacob Sijbolts Landbouwer te Warffum en Geertruid Cornelis'.

Door K.J. Ritzema van Ikema. Rasquert, eigen beheer, 1958-1961, 2nd ext. ed., 3 dparts, prints, orig. unif. gilt cloth, quarto.

Auction 11
SOLD €60,00
LOT 691
€60,00 - €120,00
[Dissertation] Specimen Historico-Juridicum Inaugurale de

Juribus quae parentibus competunt circa bona liberorum minorum (...) Cornelii Pruys van der Hoeven, Den Haag and Amsterdam, Gebr. Van Cleef, 1839

Auction 11
SOLD €90,00
LOT 692
€70,00 - €120,00
Solomon's Temple, including the Tabernacle, First Temple,

House of the King, or house of the forest of Lebanon (...) with twenty-one plates by T.O. Paine, Boston, H.H. and T.W. Carter, 1870

Auction 11
SOLD €100,00
LOT 693
€70,00 - €120,00

Alphabet-Constructies voor Schriftlithografie. J. Liger, Amsterdamsche Grafische School, 1934. 57 pp. + Monumenta Xylographica et Typographica. The Cradle of Printing Part II....

Auction 11
LOT 694
€65,00 - €110,00
Hearst Egyptian Expedition. A Provincial cemetery of the Pyramid Age.

Naga-Ed-Der. George A. Reisner. University of California Press, Egyptian archaeology, vol. VI, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1932. XIII, 386 + 56 prints and 4 folding figures. Cloth....

Auction 11
LOT 695
€50,00 - €100,00
Handboek van den Nederlandschen Adel

Door L.A. van Weleveld, [Den Haag, H.C. Susan C. Hz.], 1848

Auction 11
SOLD €1650,00
LOT 696
€400,00 - €800,00
[Provo]. Groot archief m.b.t. Provo en aanverwante bewegingen.

Ca. 80 publications, mainly 1965-1970, various sizes and authors. Some examples: Kladschrift "10 Maart '66" (incl. several orig. (press) photographs by Cor Jaring and Koen Wessing);...

Auction 11
SOLD €150,00
LOT 698
€150,00 - €200,00
Bilderbüch für die Jugend ca 1880

Bilderbüch für die Jugend, Stuttgart bei Hartneck and Comp. 19 hand-coloured engravings, Joseph Scholz im Mainz. Folio, (42-34 cm). Collection of prints, mostly militaria (12 prints)...

Auction 11
LOT 699
€0,00 - €6000,00
[Heraldry] Collection of ca. 800 wax seals,

arranged in 5 modern binders and a few boxes, mostly 19th-century.


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