
LOT 643
SOLD €1000,00

[Fashion] Très Parisien. La Mode. Le Chic. L'élégance

Redactrice en Chef: Swell. Direction artistique: G. Joumard. (Year 1): no. 1, 2 and 4 and Year 2: no. 6, 8, 9 and 10. Pariss, 1920-1921, 8 issues each with a letterpress introduction quire (4-8 p.), letterpress table of contents (1-2 p.) of the plates and 18 (1x incl. cover) pochoir coloured plates, each in original pochoir coloured cover, 4to size.

With: 1 incomplete issue (year 2, no. 7) (total 8 issues). Fine, early series of this famous Art Deco fashion magazine, except for some small, inevitable defects in very good condition (issues 6 and 7 of year 2 with unidentified owner's stamp with monogram "BE").

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