
Topography & Travel Books: Rest of the World: Lots 800 - 826

Auction 21
SOLD €150,00
LOT 800
€150,00 - €300,00
[Africa] J. Büttikofer, Reisebilder aus Liberia

Resultate geographischer, naturwissenschaftlicher und ethnographischer untersuchungen während der Jahre 1879-1882 und 1886-1887. 2 vols. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1890. XV,440; VIII,510...

Auction 21
SOLD €110,00
LOT 801
€100,00 - €200,00
[Alaska-Arctic Expedition 1927] Log of the Auxiliary Schooner Yacht Northern Light

Commanded by John Borden. John Borden. Borden-Field Museum. Alaska-Arctic Expedition 1927. Privately printed, Chicago, 1929.

Auction 21
SOLD €60,00
LOT 802
€60,00 - €120,00
[China] Sidelights on Chinese life

Rev. J. Macgowan. With twelve illustrations in colour by Montague Smyth and thirty-four other illustrations. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1907.

Auction 21
SOLD €120,00
LOT 803
€70,00 - €120,00
[Optical print] New York

La Nouvelle Yorck. Collection des Prospects, gravé par Balthasar Friedrich Leizelt, c. 1780. Handcoloured optical print in good condition with light accents. 31 x 41 cm.

Auction 21
SOLD €70,00
LOT 804
€70,00 - €120,00

24 artistic pictures in heliogravure. Cairo, Lehnert and Landrock, 1920. Oblong, cordbound. Good copy.

Auction 21
LOT 805
€175,00 - €300,00
[Tirion] Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van Alle Volkeren;

In opzigt hunner Landsgelegentheid, personen, klederen, gebouwen, zeden (...) en andere zaken tot de Natuurlyke Historie dienende. Th. Salmon. M. van Goch. III. deel, behelzende...

Auction 21
LOT 806
€150,00 - €250,00
[Tirion] Hedendaagsche Historie, of Tegenwoordige Staat van Alle Volkeren;

In opzigt hunner Landsgelegentheid, personen, klederen, gebouwen, zeden (...) en andere zaken tot de Natuurlyke Historie dienende. Th. Salmon. M. van Goch. IV. deel, behelzende...

Auction 21
LOT 807
€1500,00 - €2500,00
[Dapper] Naukeurige beschryving van Asie:

Behelsende de gewesten van Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assyrie, Anatolie, of Klein Asie: Beneffens eene volkomem beschrijving van gantsch gelukkigh, woest en petreesch of steenigh...

Auction 21
LOT 808
€1800,00 - €2500,00
[Labat] Nieuwe reizen naar de Franse Eilanden van America

Behelzende de natuurlyke historie van die landen, derzelfder oorspronk, zeden, godsdienst, regering der oude en tegenwoordige inwoonders, als ook die der zwarte slaaven (...) als...

Auction 21
SOLD €200,00
LOT 809
€70,00 - €140,00
[Iceland] 3 titles: (1) Iceland: its scenes and sagas. By Sabine Baring-Gould.

London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1863, XLVIII,447,(1) p., with large folding, lithographed map, 4 colourlithographed plates (one used as frontispiece) and 12 wood-engraved plates,...

Auction 21
SOLD €90,00
LOT 810
€70,00 - €140,00
[Africa] 4 titles: (1) Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries

within the pyramids, temples, tombs and excavations, in Egypt and Nubia; and of a journey to the coast of the Red Sea, in search of ancient Berenice; and another to the oasis of...

Auction 21
SOLD €1200,00
LOT 811
€1000,00 - €2000,00
[China. Kircher] La Chine d'Athanase Kirchere

de la Compagnie de Jesus, illustrée de plusieurs monuments tant sacrés que profanes, et de quantité de recherchés de la nature & de l'art (...). Avec un dictionaire Chinois & François,...

Auction 21
SOLD €360,00
LOT 812
€200,00 - €400,00
Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkkundig genootschap

Eds. C.M. Kan & N.W. Posthumus, Eerste to Zevende deel. Amsterdam, C.F. Stemler, 1876-1883. 4to, in halfcloth with marbled paper + Bijbladen vol. + Sumatra vol. + Pool-tochten...

Auction 21
LOT 813
€60,00 - €120,00
Two titles: (1) Chap. XIV. Sandwich Islands.

Quire from A New Royal and Authentic System of Universal Geography (...) by Thomas Bankes, Edward Warren Blake and Alexander Cook, c. 1790, 87-106 p., with 3 engraved plates with...

Auction 21
SOLD €300,00
LOT 814
€300,00 - €600,00
Viaggio alle Indie Orientali

Umiliato alla santita di N.S. Papa Pio Sesto Pontefice Massimo da Fra Paolino da S. Bartolomeo Carmelitano Scalzo. Roma, Antonio Fulgoni, 1796. 4to, halfleather, title on spine...

Auction 21
LOT 815
€900,00 - €1800,00
[Turkey. Saadeddin] Annales Sultanorum Othmanidarum, a Turcis sua lingua scripti:

Hieronymi Beck a Leopoldstorf (...) diligentia Constantinopoli advecti M D L I (...) interprete Turcico Germanice translati. Ioannes Leunclavius (...) Latine redditos illustravit...

Auction 21
SOLD €560,00
LOT 816
€350,00 - €700,00
[Egypt. Bollingen Series] Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations

Bollingen Series XL: vol. 1-6. Prepared under the supervision of Alexandre Piankoff. Pantheon Books (vol. 1-4)/ Princeton University Press (vol. 5-6), 1954-1974. Complete series...

Auction 21
SOLD €70,00
LOT 817
€70,00 - €120,00
[Egypt] Lot with 3 works: Gerald Massey, The Natural Genesis

vol. I. London, Williams and Norgate, 1883. xvi,552,ii pp., orig. cloth, 4to. A few underlinings in pencil, else good + the same, Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World. London,...

Auction 21
SOLD €3000,00
LOT 818
€3000,00 - €6000,00
[Brazil. Small Barlaeus] Casparis Barlaei, rerum per octennium in Brasilia.

Et alibi gestarum, sub praefectura illustrissimi comitis I. Mauritii Nassauiae&c. comitis, historia. Editio secunda. Cui accesserunt Gulielmi Pisonis Medici Amstelaedamensis tractatus...

Auction 21
SOLD €1300,00
LOT 819
€1200,00 - €2400,00
[Japan] Bladen over Japan, verzameld door J.H. Levyssohn.

Met eene afbeelding van Decima. The Hague, Gebroeders Belinfante, 1852, XVI,176 p., with folding, lithographed bird's eye perspective, original wrapper, 4to.

Auction 21
SOLD €150,00
LOT 820
€150,00 - €300,00
[Levant] Reis van Horace Vernet naar het Oosten. Door Goupil-Fesquet. Naar het Fransch.

The Hague, A.P. van Langenhuysen, 1844, (8),220 p., with 16 handcoloured and gum-heightened lithographed plates after Goupil-Fesquet, contemporary blue halfmorocco, ribbed and...

Auction 21
LOT 821
€1000,00 - €2000,00
[Iceland] Beschryving van Ysland, Groenland en de Straat Davis

Tot nut der wetenschappen en den koophandel. Johan Anderson. Verrykt met platen en een nieuwe naauwkeurige landkaart der ontdekkingen, waar van in dit werk gesproken word. Uyt...

Auction 21
LOT 822
€1200,00 - €2400,00
[Arabian peninsula] Niebuhr

Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen. Carsten Niebuhr. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. [2 vols.]. Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde/ Utrecht, J. van Schoonhoven & Comp., 1776-1780.

Auction 21
LOT 823
€400,00 - €600,00
The Japan-Russia War

An illustrated monthly record of operations between Japan and Russia. [Magazine vol. 1-9, complete series]. Tanuma Publishing Co. Yokohama and Tokyo, printed by and under the supervision...

Auction 21
SOLD €650,00
LOT 824
€400,00 - €800,00
[Brazil] J.B. von Spix & C.Fr.Ph. von Martius, Reise in Brasilien

auf Befehl Sr. Majestät Maximilian Joseph I, Königs von Baiern in den Jahren 1817 bis 1820 gemacht und beschrieben. The text vols.; without the very rare atlas vol. Munich, M....

Auction 21
LOT 825
€1500,00 - €2500,00
[Caribbean] De Rochefort

Natuurlyke en zedelyke historie van d'Eylanden de voor-eylanden van Amerika. Verrijkt met vele schoone platen, die uytbeelden d'aller-aanmerkelijkste seldsaamheden die'er in beschreven...

Auction 21
LOT 826
€1200,00 - €1800,00

Histoire naturelle et morale des Iles Antilles de l'Amerique. Enrichie de plusieurs belles figures de raretez les plus considerables qui y sont d'écrites. Avec un vocabulaire Caraibe....


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